1 // Written in the D programming language.
2 /++
3  + Authors: KanzakiKino
4  + Copyright: KanzakiKino 2018
5  + License: LGPL-3.0
6 ++/
7 module g4d.gl.type;
8 import g4d.gl.lib,
9        g4d.util.bitmap;
10 import std.format;
12 /// Converts vartypes to GLenum.
13 GLenum toGLType (T) ()
14 {
15     static if ( is(T==ubyte) ) {
16         return GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
17     } else static if ( is(T==byte) ) {
18         return GL_BYTE;
19     } else static if ( is(T==ushort) ) {
20         return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
21     } else static if ( is(T==short) ) {
22         return GL_SHORT;
23     } else static if ( is(T==uint) ) {
24         return GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
25     } else static if ( is(T==int) ) {
26         return GL_INT;
27     } else static if ( is(T==float) ) {
28         return GL_FLOAT;
29     } else {
30         enum typeName = __traits(identifier,T);
31         static assert( false, "Failed converting %s to GL_*.".format(typeName) );
32     }
33 }
35 /// Converts length per pixel to GLenum(pixel format).
36 /// Examples: assert( 4.toFormat == GL_RGBA );
37 GLenum toFormat ( uint lpp )
38 {
39     assert( lpp > 0 && lpp <= 4 );
40     return lpp==1? GL_RED :
41            lpp==2? GL_RG  :
42            lpp==3? GL_RGB :
43            lpp==4? GL_RGBA:
44            0;
45 }
47 /// Converts length per pixel to GLenum(compressed pixel format).
48 /// Examples: assert( 4.toCompressedFormat == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA );
49 GLenum toCompressedFormat ( uint lpp )
50 {
51     assert( lpp > 0 && lpp <= 4 );
52     return lpp==1? GL_COMPRESSED_RED :
53            lpp==2? GL_COMPRESSED_RG  :
54            lpp==3? GL_COMPRESSED_RGB :
55            lpp==4? GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA:
56            0;
57 }